Friday, August 10, 2018

SUM Function

So how are you Guy?
i have uploaded a pic of SUM Function performing in Microsoft Excel. here are 3 different, easy, simple ways to perform this function. Let's see how they perform 1 function in 3 different ways:-

1. Keyboard Shortcut
Write down data in your excel sheet. At the end just Press ALT + =. Excel shall select the entire data automatically.

2. Formula
Performing the SUM Function through formula just type =sum(range) and then press Enter.

3. Mouse Shortcut
Just press Autosum Button from your toolbar for performing the SUM Function through Mouse.


  1. i m good man, thanks for sharing your knowledge, looking forward for more intresting excel function from u,

  2. I love ur way of performing function in excel. Thanks 4 sharing. Keep it up bro.


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